Fiscal strategy and tax risk control
Our fiscal policy follows the tax regulations in force in each of the countries in which we operate, as established in the "OECD Guidelines for Multinational Companies", as well as the guidelines set by the Board of Directors. Our practices are founded on transparency, good faith and cooperation with the tax authorities. Our principles of action are as follows:
Code of tax conduct
Abertis has voluntarily subscribed to the Code of Good Tax Practices that contains recommendations agreed between the Spanish Tax Authorities and the Large Companies Forum. Abertis fullfils the primary actuation principles, which are, among others:
The Code can be found by clicking on Code of Good Tax Practices - Tax Agency
In the fiscal area, professionals in Abertis should:
Tax Contribution
Abertis makes a quantifiable economic and social contribution to the Public Administrations of the different countries we operate in by our commitment to pay taxes, thus contributing to public finance that provides services that are indispensable for socio-economic progress and development in the countries where we have a presence.
A lot of effort is put into making these payments, meeting formal, information and collaboration obligations with the Tax Authorities, as well as relevant responsibilities.
Total taxes paid by the Group in 2024 amounted to 2,029 million euros. In this sense, the Group includes all the subsidiary companies that are consolidated by the global integration method.
Following OECD methodology, based on the cash (settlement) criterion, the total tax contribution of the Group in 2024 amounted to 2,029 million euros, 1,191 of them corresponding to taxes borne and 838 to taxes collected.
The taxes borne are those that are an effective cost for Abertis (payment of Profit Tax, local taxes, indirect taxation of goods and services and the company contribution to the social security).
Taxes collected are those that do not have effects on the results, but are collected by Abertis for the tax authorities or are paid by other taxpayers (value added tax, withholdings and the employer’s payment of the workers social security).
In 2024, for each 100 euros of turnover in Abertis, 33 euros are destined to pay taxes.
In addition, the tax contribution of toll roads activities, by kilometer of toll road directly managed by Abertis amounts to 256,180 euros.
A document detailing the contributions to the Public Administrations can be found by clicking on Integrated Annual Report for 2024 as well as information related to the Country by Country report (CbCr).
The Annual Consolidated Statements of the Group for 2024 show the taxes borne and collected, on an accrual basis, which do not necessarily coincide with the payment or refunding of the tax. Moreover, as Abertis is a multinational group, the Group’s Annual Consolidated Financial Statements incorporate any adjustments and eliminations necessary to avoid duplicity of operations between Group companies.