Abertis joins #COMPANIES4SDGs campaign of Global Compact Spanish Network to promote the UN Sustainable Development Goals

  • The campaign is addressed to promote the knowledge and the application of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in the business field.

Abertis takes part in an initiative developed by the United Nations Global Compact Spanish Network, together with Voluntariado y Estrategia, addressed to promote the knowledge and the application of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in the business field.

#COMPANIES4SDGs is a global campaign which seeks to promote the achievement of the UN SDG through corporate volunteering, to create and help transversal intersection among industries and companies and their stakeholders, to develop methodologies to assess the impact of the volunteers, and to keep a global representation.

The 17 SDG focus on the most important issues affecting the world, including poverty, inequality and climate change. The initiative is supported by IMPACT 2030, a private companies group which articulates corporate volunteering for the achievement of SDG, in collaboration with the UN.

Abertis joins the campaign with the aim of promoting volunteering and sustainable behaviors among its employees, through its ALTRUIS program.


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