
We have a plan

The necessary actions to ensure achievement of the 2022-2030 Sustainability Strategy objectives are implemented by preparing and pursuing three-year plans known as ESG Plans. These plans establish intermediate objectives, specify the necessary actions to be implemented in each country, and allocate the necessary budget for their correct execution.

The 2022-2030 Sustainability Strategy has been structured on three main pillars that correspond to the commitments to ensure that land transport infrastructures make an active contribution to meeting current economic, environmental and social challenges.

We have channeled the implementation of the necessary actions to ensure the achievement of the objectives of the 2022-2030
Sustainability Strategy through the preparation and development of three-year plans that we call ESG Plan. 
These plans set intermediate objectives, specify the necessary actions to be implemented in each country,
 and allocate the necessary budget for their proper execution.

We have defined the first ESG Plan for the period 2022-2024, the specific monitoring of which will be carried out through the established sustainability governance structure and the progress of which will be reported periodically in our annual publications

Transparency and diligence
Rejection of all forms of corruption.
Commitment to excellence in good governance.
Development of an organisational culture based on ethical principles and sustainability.
Eco-efficiency and respect
Reduction of the carbon footprint of the organisation and of its activities.
Strengthening and conserving natural capital.
Innovation based on the circular economy throughout the value chain.
Responsibility and conscience
Guaranteeing and promoting road safety and health at the workplace.
Generating positive synergies with local communities.
Equal opportunities and boosting employment quality.
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