Abertis' Board of Directors appoints Juan Santamaría as the new Chairman

Administración Abertis,

  • The Board of Directors of Abertis has agreed to appoint Juan Santamaría, current CEO of ACS, as the new Chairman of Abertis, replacing MarcelinoFernández Verdes whose term of office expires this year; while José Aljaro, current CEO of the Group, renews his position for a further three years.

  • The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, held today, has approved the proposed resolutions formulated by the Board of Directors on 28 February, which includes the renewal of the members of the Board, as their term of office expires this year.

  • 28 March 2023.- The Board of Directors of Abertis, meeting today, has appointed JuanSantamaría as the new Chairman of Abertis. Santamaría replaces Marcelino Fernández Verdes, whose term of office expired this year. The Board thanked Marcelino Fernández Verdes for his dedication in the position he has held since 2018. In addition, the current CEO of the Group, José Aljaro, has renewed his position for three more years.
    Once the new directors have been appointed, the Board of Directors of Abertis will be composed of the following members

    • José Aljaro Navarro
    • Claudio Boada Pallerés
    • José Luis del Valle Pérez
    • Angel García Altozano
    • Jonathan Kelly
    • Enrico Laghi
    • Pedro José López Jiménez
    • Giampiero Massolo
    • Juan Santamaría Cases

    In addition, the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders unanimously approved the proposed resolutions formulated by the Board of Directors on 28 February.


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