Abertis, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Union and Cooperation of Spain, and the Fundació Joan Miró collaborate to make an itinerant exhibition of Joan Miró in Embassies and Consulates of Spain abroad

Abertis, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of Spain, and the Fundació Joan Miró have signed a collaboration agreement this morning to promote Spanish culture and artists in the world, through the Embassies and Consulates of Spain abroad.

Thanks to this agreement, the three institutions will organize an itinerant exhibition with works by the Catalan artist Joan Miró from the Fundació Joan Miró. The set of works will consist of 3 paintings (Personnage, Oiseau I, Personnage, Oiseau II, and Personnage, Oiseau III) and 2 sculptures (Femme, Oiseau and Femme), all of them original, as well as a modern photographic copy of Joaquim Gomis , photographer and friend of the surrealist artist of the 20th century.

Under the title “Universe Miró”, this itinerant exhibition will initially tour the embassies of Spain in Rome, Berlin, Dublin, Brussels and Paris between March 15, 2019, and January 15, 2020. The objective is to be able to take this sample also to Diplomatic and consular representations of Spain in other countries, especially those in which the Abertis Group is present. The agreement also includes the realization of educational activities among local school communities, related to this exhibition.

The act of signing the agreement, held today at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, was attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, Josep Borrell; the CEO of Abertis, José Aljaro; Jaume Freixa, president of the Fundació Joan Miró, Sergi Loughney, Chief Reputation Officer of Abertis and director of the Abertis Foundation; and Marko Daniel, director of the Fundació Joan Miró.

About Fundació Joan Miró

The Fundació Joan Miró was created by the artist himself and opened its doors to the public in 1975. It has a unique collection of Joan Miró's works, his personal library and a file with all his preparatory drawings, which makes the Fundació a centre of reference in the investigation, divulgation and promotion of the production and the legacy of the artist.

Since its inauguration as the first museum in Barcelona dedicated to modern and contemporary art, the Fundació Joan Miró has also hosted numerous temporary exhibitions. It has also promoted the “Espai 13”, one of the first rooms dedicated to emerging artists and curators, and an active educational space focused on the promotion of creativity and a better understanding of modern and contemporary artistic practices.


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