Abertis Foundation launches the 'Lives in motion' campaign, a documentary on the challenges of urban mobility in the future

Comunicación Abertis,

  • The president of the Abertis Foundation, Elena Salgado; the director general of Traffic, Pere Navarro; and the secretary of State for Transport, Mobility and the Urban Agenda, David Lucas, were responsible for unveiling the project at an event in Madrid.

  • The Abertis Foundation's main objective through this initiative is to showcase the challenges facing urban mobility today, focusing mainly on safety, sustainability and inclusion.


  • The campaign, which is based on a short documentary about the daily commute of children and young people from three Spanish families, will travel around Spain over the next few months promoting debate through the 'Mobility of the Future' meetings, with the participation of the most involved voices in the sector.

23 March 2023. This morning in Madrid, the Abertis Foundation presented the 'Lives in Motion' campaign, which, through a series of travelling debates throughout Spain, will examine the current challenges of urban mobility, focusing mainly on safety, sustainability and inclusion. An initiative created jointly with Abertis Mobility Services and Abertis Autopistas, which aims to open up the reflection of the most authoritative voices in the sector from a social, environmental, regulatory and educational point of view. The campaign is based on a short documentary about the daily reality of three Spanish families with children and young people who travel a lot.

"This project gives us an insight into the current reality of citizens who face daily barriers and challenges to move around in urban and inter-urban environments that are not adapted to their reality, and gives us a vision of where today's mobility is heading. We believe that it is necessary to establish a dialogue and seek solutions with the leading experts in the field to help us offer less polluting, less saturated mobility alternatives that favour greater road safety. An essential balance to guarantee social welfare", said the president of the Abertis Foundation, Elena Salgado, at this project's presentation.

The event was also attended by the Director General of Traffic, Pere Navarro, who stressed that "the mobility of the future will be safe, connected and sustainable. Safe, because we have learned after many years that safety is a priority when travelling; connected, because technology will allow us to share information with other users and thus anticipate possible incidents that may arise in mobility; and sustainable, because with air quality we are not only risking our health but also the health of the planet that we are going to leave to future generations, something that should be of great importance to us. But in order to achieve this mobility, we need to be aware of several exogenous factors that will largely condition many of the measures adopted. The ageing of the population, the growth of cities, new forms of mobility or the urban distribution of goods are just some of the challenges that we all have to face as a society in order to achieve the mobility of the future that we are already obliged to define today".

For his part, the Secretary of State for Transport, Mobility and the Urban Agenda, David Lucas, who was also present, said that "public-private collaboration is essential to promote mobility. The challenge is enormous and we need the collaboration of all actors. This Ministry has two fundamental tools for mobility: the Mobility Act, which is currently being debated in Congress, and the Sustainable, Safe and Connected Mobility Strategy 2030, which has been one of the government's fundamental references for reducing emissions, making transport more efficient and ensuring that digitalisation makes us have a more reliable report".

'Mobility of the future: we open the debate' meetings

Congestion, pollution, accidents, sustainability, maintenance and financing of infrastructures, road awareness and the promotion of public transport to meet needs are some of the concepts on urban mobility that will be addressed through the cycle of meetings within the framework of the 'Lives in Motion' campaign: Mobility of the Future: we open the debate'.

The first of these was held today after the opening ceremony in Madrid and was attended by the manager of the Madrid Regional Transport Consortium, Luis Miguel Martínez Palencia; the UITP (International Association of Public Transport) Promotion and Dissemination Advisor, Dionisio González; the CEO of Virtual Desk, Julio Martín Parro, a leading technology company in Intelligent Transport Systems; and the head of Urban Mobility at Abertis Mobility Services (AMS), Miguel Melchor. They all agreed on the need for public-private collaboration to lay the foundations for cleaner, safer and more sustainable mobility at the service of citizens.

Over the coming months, various experts from national and international institutions and representatives of civil society will exchange experiences and knowledge around these meetings in several Spanish cities to disseminate the advances and realities of smarter mobility management.

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