Abertis, through its subsidiary in France, sponsors the great exhibition of Miro in Paris’ Grand Palais

  • Their Majesties the King and the Queen of Spain will visit the exhibit today afternoon, accompanied by the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, the Chairman of Sanef, Alain Minc, and José Aljaro, CEO of Abertis.

Abertis, through its subsidiary in France, Sanef, sponsors the great exhibition “Miró, la couleur de mes rêves”, which will be open from October 3rd 2018 to February 4th 2019 in the Grand Palais of Paris, France. With nearly 150 works of the Catalan artist, the wide retrospective traces the author’s technical and stylistic evolution, opening Miro’s poetic world to the visitors.

Their Majesties the King and the Queen of Spain will visit the exhibit today afternoon, accompanied by the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, the Chairman of Sanef, Alain Minc, and José Aljaro, CEO of Abertis.

This collaboration is an example of Abertis' commitment to culture, which works with the biggest cultural institutions in the countries where it is present, with the aim of making culture accessible to the public and supporting governments in this task.

In recent years, Abertis, through its subsidiaries, has sponsored large exhibitions of artists such as Picasso, Dalí, Velázquez and Miró, with a great success of visitors in cities such as Paris, Madrid, Rome, Buenos Aires, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro or Santiago de Chile.

Currently, Abertis also sponsors the exhibition “Gala/Dalí”, that can be visited at the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain) collecting the work and influence of Gala, artist, companion and muse of Salvador Dalí.


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