The Abertis Foundation 'turns off' several night parties in Valencia, Ibiza and Salamanca to raise awareness of the danger of driving after consuming alcohol or drugs

  • This is the third edition of the "El Apagón" action, which has been carried out successfully in other cities, reaching up to now more than 10 million users on social networks, including 800,000 views of the video on YouTube.
  • As of today, the images of the different actions can be viewed on and on the social channels of Abertis and Abertis Foundation.
  • The presentation was carried out during a security forum on the mobility of motorcycles, and part of the network of international road safety forums promoted by Abertis.

The Abertis Foundation today organized a road safety forum focused on motorcycle mobility and during which the latest edition of the awareness campaign #SumaTuLuz, promoted by the Abertis Foundation with the aim of avoiding traffic accidents between the young population. The Spanish General Director of Traffic, Pere Navarro, has participated in this presentation, together with Sergi Loughney, director of the Abertis Foundation and Chief Reputation Officer of Abertis.

Last weekend, the Abertis Foundation carried out an awareness-raising action in two discotheques, in Valencia and Ibiza, through the projection, in the middle of a night of party, of a video in which a young man tells how he ended up in prison after having an accident having drunk alcohol.

This action took place during the night of December 15 to 16 in the Piccadilly hall (Valencia) and in the Pachá nightclub (Ibiza). At 3:30 am both clubs turned off the lights and the music, and screened a video produced by the Abertis Foundation whose protagonist is an inmate who served a sentence for taking a person's life while driving drunk.

These events are in addition to the campaign that began on Thursday the 13th at the University Year End of Salamanca, an event organized by the Association of Hoteliers and the Salamanca City Council in which the end of the year is recreated in the Plaza Mayor and in which nearly 30,000 young people participated.

These actions, called "El Apagón", are accompanied by a campaign on social networks, under the hashtag #SumaTuLuz, promoted by the Abertis Foundation with the aim of raising awareness among young people about the risks of mixing alcohol and other drugs with driving.

Sergi Loughney explains: "We want to send a clear message to young people to avoid driving after the consumption of alcohol or other drugs. We want to touch the consciences of drivers and, most importantly, to save lives. "

As of today, the images of the different actions can be viewed on and on the social channels of Abertis and Abertis Foundation.

This is the third edition of this campaign, which has been carried out successfully in other cities such as Madrid and Barcelona, reaching a reach to date of more than 10 million users on social networks, including 800,000 reproductions of the video on YouTube.

The action of the ‘El Apagón is part of the activities programmed by Abertis for the Christmas campaign. The objective is to promote a more sustainable, safe and innovative mobility.

Sustainable and safe mobility of motorcycles

The day also had included a discussion table to analyze the situation of motorcyclists from a point of view of sustainable mobility and road safety. Moderated by Aquilino Molinero, member of the Committee of experts of the Ponle Freno platform, the round table was attended by Cristina Zamorano, Head of the Motorwats Safety Center on Autopistas; María del Carmen Plaza, Head of the Technical Unit of Road Safety of the General Directorate of Roads and Infrastructures of the Community of Madrid, and Juan Manuel Reyes, President of the Asociación Mutua Motera.

The presentation was carried out during the "Planeta Vial" day, organized in collaboration with the group Planeta and Ponle Freno, and which is part of the network of international road safety forums promoted by Abertis.

The Abertis Group and road safety

For Abertis, the global operator of toll roads, road safety is a priority. The Group has more than 60 years of experience in road management and maintenance, with the aim of reducing the number of victims in its network. In addition, through its Road Safety program and the Abertis Foundation, the Group conducts education and awareness campaigns in all the countries in which it operates.

In the academic sphere, Abertis has been promoting its network of university chairs since 2003 to finance road safety research at six leading universities around the world to promote training, research and knowledge transfer between the university and the company.

In addition, Abertis collaborates with multiple international organizations that promote solutions to this global problem.

The Abertis Foundation

The Abertis Foundation acts as a non-profit organization, with the objective of responding to the impact that the Abertis Group's economic activity has in the territories where it is present. Since its creation in 1999, the Foundation has been acting primarily in the fields of road safety, the environment and social action, in line with the strategy defined in the field of Social Responsibility of Abertis.


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